Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Deutschland Stipendium: Bild Studium


Für Studierende und Förderer: Yvonne Hellwig-Laich, Abteilung 1 Studium und Lehre, Referat 1.3

phone: 0345 55 21356
fax: 0345 55 27608

room 8
Barfüßerstraße 17
06108 Halle (Saale)

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The Germany Scholarship

Prof. Dr. Claudia Becker
(Foto: Maike Glöckner)

Prof. Dr. Claudia Becker Rector (Foto: Maike Glöckner)

Prof. Dr. Claudia Becker
(Foto: Maike Glöckner)

„Take advantage of this offer! Performance pays off! Promotion of excellence requires a strong community! Encourage yourself to strive for outstanding achievement through a scholarship!

Germany Scholarship

Germany Scholarship

Germany Scholarships were first introduced at German universities in Summer Semester 2011. Fifty percent of the scholarship is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the other half by companies, foundations and private citizens.

Up to eight percent of all students (160,000) at German universities are to benefit nationwide from the Germany Scholarship, whereby the number of recipients is set to increase on a continuous basis.

As a general rule, students receive € 300 a month for two semesters or until no later than the end of their regular period of study. This financial aid does not depend on income levels and can be received in addition to BAföG aid.

This support helps young people improve their living and learning conditions. It promotes creative minds and contributes to combating the threat of skilled labour shortages.

Since 2011 a number of 1,291 scholarships have been awarded (see history). the current figures are as follows:

Funding PeriodNumber of scholarshipsNumber of applications
Winter Semester 2024/202581419


Vergabeveranstaltung für die Deutschlandstipendien am 05. November 2024

08.11.2024: 80 Deutschlandstipendien sind am 05. November 2024 in der Aula der Universität an sehr gute und engagierte Studierende vergeben worden. Die Veranstaltung stand in diesem Jahr unter einem besonderen Thema: Olympische Spiele und 100 Jahre Sportwissenschaft an der Uni Halle. In Gesprächen wurden auch die Verbindungen zwischen dem Sport und den geförderten Studierenden deutlich.

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Information for sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium and students

"Einfach machen" and "Ein ungleiches Team": Two new image films present successful Germany Fellowship tandems

We have published two new videos on the Deutschlandstipendium. The three-minute clips show examples of the win-win situations that can result from teamwork between sponsors and recipients.

The clips are also available on the university's YouTube channel.


Im Newsarchiv finden Sie weitere Beiträge, Fotos, Berichte über vergangene Veranstaltungen, Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten im Porträt, Förder*innen und mehr.

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