Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Familienbüro der Martin-Luther-Universität

phone: 0345/55 21357 und 0345/55 21350
fax: 0345/55 27636

room 329 (3. Etage)
Dachritzstraße 12
06108 Halle (Saale)

Montag von 11 bis 13 Uhr
Mittwoch von 13 bis 15 Uhr
sowie nach Vereinbarung

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Day Care in Halle

When it comes to the care of their children   , parents have a right to choose between a day care facility owned by the city (“Eigenbetrieb Kindertagesstätten”), a day care facility in private ownership (“Freie Träger”), or a nanny (“Tagesmutter”). Usually, children between the ages of 0 to 6 years can be taken care of in the facilities.

Note: You can translate all the texts on the city's website by highlighting the parts you'd like to translate and then using the "Übersetzung" feature that pops up. You can then select your preferred language.

Day Care Facilities in Halle

The “Elternportal   ” (parents’ portal) of the city of Halle provides an overview of all the child care possibilities, and supports parents in their search for a facility. There are filter options available according to housing area, denomination of the operator and required times of care. The website shows contacts and further information as well as the location on a city map. Additionally, it offers the possibility to enroll children in one or more facilities (however, only in a non-binding way).

Day Care Facilities Owned by the City (“Eigenbetrieb”)

The “Eigenbetrieb   ” of the city of Halle operates 53 Day Care Facilities   . The enrollment for a spot in one of the facilities is possible as soon as the child is born and takes place either via the “Elternportal   ” of the city or personally or via post. The allocation of the spots is handled by the “Eigenbetrieb”.

Day Care Facilities in Private Ownership (“Freie Träger”)

The allocation of free spots in the day care facilities in private ownership is handled directly by the respective facilities. To some extent, an enrollment is possible even before the child is born. A list of all day care facilities in Halle    as well as institutions of all counties can be found on the website of the “Landesverwaltungsamt Sachsen-Anhalt   ”.

Nannies (“Tagesmütter/-väter”)

Nannies are equipped with an official permission for children’s day care and are supervised by the child protective services (the “Jugendamt”).

A list of all nannies can be found on the website of the city of Halle   .

Support in the Search for a Day Care Spot

You can receive support    in looking for a free day care spot as well as counselling and further information in the “Fachbereich Bildung” (department of education) of the city of Halle. The contact is Mrs. Gabriele Tendler. You can find her contact under "Platzberatung für Kindertageseinrichtungen".

Financing for Day Care Facilities and After School Care

Under certain circumstances it is possible to request that the city of Halle pays for day care   . In order to do so, an application has to be sent to the city (you can find the form at the bottom of the page under "Formulare").

Additional Child Care Offers

The day care facility WeinbergKids    is open from Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 20:30 as well as after prior arrangements. Students pay 2€ per hour and employees of the MLU pay 5€ per hour.
